What does your elderly loved one normally eat from day to day? Do you or their companion care at home providers find they eat a lot of unhealthy foods? If that is the case, you should talk to them about how those foods are likely speeding up the aging process. You should also talk to your elderly loved one about how they can replace those foods with healthy foods to fight the aging process.
Fatty Fish
There are different types of fatty fish that can help your elderly loved one to fight the aging process. Research shows that this type of fish can boost heart health, improve energy, and help with weight loss. All these things can help your elderly loved one to not only feel better about themselves but help them feel and look younger, too. Some of the best fatty fish options for fighting the aging process include tuna, salmon, and sardines. Professionals recommend that senior citizens eat 2 servings of this type of fish every week.
Your elderly loved one should also add nuts to their diet if they want to fight the aging process. Research shows that almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and Brazil nuts can all help to slow down the aging process. They are filled with fiber and protein – both of which can improve heart health and overall health. It is recommended that senior citizens eat nuts 5 times a week. You or a companion care at home provider can add the nuts to your elderly loved one’s cereal, oatmeal, or to other meals.
There are also many berries that would be great for your elderly loved one if they want to fight the aging process. Research shows that many berries can help to lower blood pressure and improve the health of blood vessels. If your elderly loved one is already experiencing high blood pressure or blood vessel issues, make sure they start eating berries regularly. The sooner they do, the more it can help to improve their health. In addition, when these health issues are under control, it can help your elderly loved one to feel more energized and feel younger, too.
There are many ways that your elderly loved one can fight the aging process. They can start by adding the foods that are mentioned here into their diet. If you don’t feel that your elderly loved one will remember to put these foods on their grocery list, you or a companion care at home provider can do it for them.