It’s always been your dad’s goal to live in the family home for the rest of his life, but you’re wondering just how possible that really is. He fell getting out of the shower, and while he’s okay, you’re worried about him being alone. Have you considered home care services?
He’s Never Alone for Long
What happens with your dad when you live on the other side of the country? Does he have friends and neighbors checking in or is he alone? Do you worry about him falling in the middle of the night and laying for days before someone realizes he hasn’t been active?
Home care services eliminate this worry. He has a caregiver available to check in each day. Pair caregiver visits with an emergency alert system for optimal security and support.
If he likes to take walks, he doesn’t have to go alone. His caregiver can walk with him.
Personal Care Isn’t a Struggle
Your dad has a hard time with showers. Ever since he fell, his confidence diminished. With home care services, his caregivers can help him in and out of the shower, assist with dressing, and trim his nails. He has caregivers to help him pick out the right outfits and dress in the appropriate attire if he’s heading outside for a walk.
He Has Home-Cooked Meals
A CDC report found that around two out of five people eat fast food on any given day. Adults 60 or older account for almost a quarter of these people. If your dad is likely to eat fast food for a quick meal, it’s time to address healthier options.
With home care services, your dad has healthy meals. He has vegetables, fruits, protein, and whole grains. All of that is essential for balanced nutrition.
When your dad needs groceries, his caregiver can take him. Your dad’s caregiver can take him shopping or help him order groceries online. His caregiver can help him carry groceries in from the car and put things away.
Someone Is There to Help With Housekeeping Chores
Your dad has a hard time with his vacuum. It’s heavy and he often trips on the cord. He doesn’t vacuum and prefers to wait until you visit. The problem is that you only stop by once a month, so the carpet gets covered in fur, crumbs, and dust in the meantime.
With housekeeping services from a home care agency, your dad’s housekeeping is done. He has a caregiver available to do his laundry, clean his floors, wash his dishes, and change sheets and towels.
He Has Rides When Needed
Your dad’s caregiver can take him wherever he needs to go. If he shouldn’t drive, his caregiver can ensure he doesn’t feel isolated. He’ll have a ride to area businesses, medical offices, or his friends’ homes. Call today and ask about available services. You can have a caregiver with your dad during his morning routines and no longer have to worry. A home care agency can help you get started.
If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Clermont, FL, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Clermont today. 1-888-423-4046.