Recovering from a Stroke Could Mean Elder Care Needs to Be Discussed for Mom

If your elderly mother has recently suffered a stroke, you may have a lot of questions ahead of you. Depending on the severity of the stroke, she may still be able to return home. If there is a possibility that she can go home, she will need help. If you are thinking of being that primary caregiver, if you have never done this type of work before, consider elder care.
That doesn’t mean you have to step back and not offer care to her at all. However, the primary support she receives should come from an experienced elder care provider.
There are far too many potential mistakes families could make when supporting somebody following a stroke. For example, that senior’s doctor may advise them to exercise and work with a physical therapist to regain mobility.
You probably already understand this is going to be a long and difficult road to recovery. But what if your mother is feeling tired, is weeping, is frustrated, and doesn’t want to do it one day? What if she claims how tired she is?
What if you look at her and immediately know she is exhausted? Are you going to tell her it’s okay to not work with that physical therapist? Or an occupational therapist?
Would you give her the opportunity to take a day off, to rest … just one day? That may seem reasonable. That may seem rational. It may even seem like a loving response. But, if the doctor has told her she needs to work with this physical therapist on a very rigid and regular schedule, skipping one day could set her back by days, weeks, or even months.
Sometimes, your mother may not want to hear from you, either.
That’s the incredibly difficult part of it all. You want what’s best for her and even if you try to push her a little bit more, to encourage her to continue with those exercises and routines, even when they are a little painful or uncomfortable, as long as they are safe, she may push back.
When you have experienced, professional elder care in your corner, it can make a world of difference. This is something you should discuss with your mother as soon as possible.
Even if she is still in the hospital, sit down and talk to her about the prospect of elder care services. The more you know about elder care options, the more likely you can both make a decision she will be happy with and that will help her best recover from this stroke.