Keeping Seniors With Limited Mobility Safe In An Emergency

If your senior loved one uses a walker, a cane or a wheelchair, getting them to safety in an emergency like a fire, flood, or power failure could take some planning. Senior home care is something that can really help your parent in an emergency, so if you have been thinking about this service, now is the time to do that. That way if an emergency weather event occurs your senior parent won’t be alone when disaster strikes.
Seniors who have limited mobility have even greater challenges than other seniors when it comes to evacuating a home quickly. These tips from disaster experts and senior home care providers should help you prepare your senior loved one to evacuate their home:
Don’t Wait To Evacuate
If there is a storm coming or some other disaster on the way and emergency officials have recommended that people evacuate then your senior parent should leave their home as soon as possible. Waiting until the last minute is not safe. It’s better for your senior parent and their senior home care provider to get out and get to safety before there is an imminent threat like rising flood waters.
Stash Additional Mobility Aids At A Family Or Friend’s House
If your senior loved one does need to evacuate quickly they may lose their walker or cane in the process of leaving. Or, if they are in a wheelchair they may need to leave the chair behind if there are flood waters rising or a fire. It’s a good idea to get a second walker or cane or keep a simple emergency wheelchair at a neighbor or friend’s house and at your house. That way if your senior loved one can’t get to your house they can get a backup mobility aid at a neighbor’s house. Or, if they need to get out of the neighborhood they can get a backup at your home.
Keep A Bag Packed And Ready To Go With Essentials
All seniors should have a bag packed with supplies in case they need to leave their homes in a hurry. The bag should contain things like extra clothes, incontinence supplies, extra medications, and any important papers that they might need. It’s also smart to have an extra cell phone charger cord and a battery operated phone charger.
Keep An Evacuation Mat With The Emergency Supplies
Evacuation mats can be used by senior home care to help your senior loved one get out of the home in a hurry if necessary. If your senior loved one relies on a wheelchair or has mobility limitations safety experts recommend that you keep an evacuation mat with the emergency supplies in your senior loved one’s home. That way if there is a dangerous situation and your senior loved one needs to be moved out of the house quickly you or emergency personnel or a home care provider can make sure that your senior parent is able to get out of the house safely.
If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Ferndale, FL, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Clermont today. 1-888-423-4046.